Need your dentures repaired fast?

If you’re near Dentures Plus Joondalup or Dentures Plus Leederville, we can help!
At our Joondalup and Leederville Dentures Plus clinics, we offer immediate emergency denture repairs for most common denture breakages, completed in just 30 minutes.
Common breakages* that Dentures Plus can fix on-the-spot include cracks down the middle of the denture, where the denture breaks clean in half; breakages where the denture has broken into three pieces; or a tooth has dislodged from the denture.
Providing you can get to our Leederville or Joondalup clinics during business hours, Monday to Friday, our highly experienced staff can repair your dentures urgently – in just 30 MINUTES.
Just call Joondalup: 9300 1515 or Leederville: 9228 3430, explain that you need an emergency denture repair, and come on down. It’s that simple!
*Some more serious problems to the denture can take a little longer to repair, but we’ll do our best to turn them around as quickly as possible. Problems such as a broken clasp, or if you require the addition of an extra tooth to your denture (technically not a repair) take more time.
Dentures Plus – your denture experts
Dentures Plus Joondalup cares for patients in Joondalup and nearby suburbs of Sorrento, Iluka, Quinns Rocks, Mullaloo, Heathridge, Woodvale, Ocean Reef, Ashby, Hillarys, Currambine, Craigie, Edgewater, Kingsley, Kinross, Marmion, Merriwa, Duncraig, Tapping, Carramar, Connolly and Whitfords.
Dentures Plus Leederville cares for patients in Leederville and nearby suburbs of West Leederville, Mount Hawthorn, Mount Lawley, Floreat, Glendalough, Wembley, Menora, Northbridge, West Perth and Perth CBD.