If your dentures are feeling loose, then it’s probably time for a reline. This is a normal part of owning dentures, and will keep your dentures fitting comfortably.

When you wear dentures, over time your jawbone slowly changes shape. A reline adapts the shape of your denture to the shape of your jaw. Whether you own a partial or full denture, at some stage you will need to get them relined to fit to your jaw.
Dentures feeling loose or unstable?
Click here to find your nearest location and book in for a Denture reline:
Health insurance rebates & DVA accepted
We’re DVA accepted and give all pensioners 10% off. And, if you have health insurance, you may be entitled to a rebate, depending on your level of cover.

At Dentures Plus, we offer a same-day reline service. Simply drop your dentures in before 10am, and they’ll be ready for you to pick up at 4pm.
Across Perth, we have 6 clinic locations in Across Perth, we have 6 clinic locations in Claremont, Joondalup, Maddington, Leeming, Kwinana and Leederville, and a brand new clinic opening soon in Rockingham, so there’s bound to be one close to you.
Depending on your level of cover, Denture relines may be covered by your health insurance fund.
Book a denture reline today
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