Your teeth are one of the first things people look at when they see you, so if you’re feeling self-conscious about your smile, we can help. We have a range of options to suit your budget, and your needs..
We craft high-quality, natural looking dentures, implant supported dentures and fixed bridges in our dedicated laboratory. We also offer fast denture repairs, should anything happen to your current dentures.
We’ve been creating realistic, high quality dentures for the people of Perth for over 10 years. There’s no job too small or too difficult for the team at Dentures Plus to handle.
Our founder Lucas Lang holds a Master’s degree in Dental Prosthetics, and has been crafting dentures since 1998. From humble beginnings, Dentures Plus now has 7 locations right across Perth for your convenience.
You’ll find us in Claremont, Joondalup, Maddington, Leeming, Kwinana, Leederville, and Rockingham.
Phone the clinics directly, or simple call 1300 4 DPLUS to be connected with your nearest clinic.