Don’t suffer the annoyance of a loose lower denture. With Dentures 2.0, we can connect your current denture to dental implants at a fraction of the price of Four-Under-One.
Above: implant-supported dentures are secured to as little as two dental implants using the Denture Connect Plus system.
Prices start from $6929 for 2 dental implants on your lower jaw.
Available at Dentures Plus Kwinana, Joondalup, Maddington, Leederville & Leeming.
N.B.: Prices for the lower jaw can be between $6.9K – $10K, depending on the difficulty and whether your existing denture can be converted – or a new denture needs to be made, this will come at an additional cost.
Due to the density of the mandibular (lower) jaw bone, our Denture 2.0 system can connect your existing denture to only two, three or four dental implants. And, unlike similar full arch rehabilitations, there is no additional cost of $10K – $12K for a fixed bridge, as we can connect your denture to the dental implants .
Dental payment plans
At Dentistry Plus, we offer competitive prices for our dental implants in our Perth dental clinics. But it’s still hard to pay the fee in one lump sum. That’s why we’ve introduced payment plans to make your important dental implant procedure more budget-friendly.
Health insurance rebates may apply!
Please check with your fund and quote the item numbers on this page. Act now to get the most from your insurance fund by combining calendar years. Read more here >
Reliable and comfortable, dentures 2.0 allow you to eat, talk and laugh freely. And, you may avoid suffering the detrimental loss of vital bone tissue. Without your natural teeth, the bone in your jaw may gradually dissolve and facial features slowly fall in.

With Dentures 2.0 you can:
- Stop precious jawbone tissue from disintegrating (bone resorption)
- Use your current denture (in most cases), unlike Four Under One, saving $10-12K
- Improve your ability to bite efficiently by over 65% – allowing far greater nutrition
- Stop buying denture adhesives
- No longer suffer from mouth sores and irritated gums caused by conventional dentures
Talk to us about your teeth
100% privacy guaranteed
Introducing the Dentures 2.0 Package (not including denture)
Mandibular (Lower) Implants required for Dentures 2.0
Item: 684 implant = $2600 x 2 = $5200
Item: 037 (OPG x-ray) = $103
Item 691 (exposure & testing) = $500 x 2 = $1000
Item: 661 abutment = $1200 x 2 = $2400
Item: 735 attachments = $231 x 2 = $462
Item: 744 reline = $350
Old Total Price = $9515
Mandibular (Lower) Implants required for Dentures 2.0
Item: 684 (implant) = $1750 x 2 = $3500
Item: 026 & 089 (cone beam scan) = $279
Item 691 (exposure & testing) = $400 x 2 = $800
Item: 661 abutment = $800 x 2 = $1600
Item: 735 attachments = $200 x 2 = $400
Item: 744 reline = $350
NEW Total Price: $6929
Important information…
Package does not include extractions, synthetic bone, or any other device or procedure. It does not include a new lower denture.
We may be able to use your existing denture for this procedure if in good condition. However, if your denture is not strong enough or suitable in any way, you may require a new denture to be made & connected.
Health Insurance rebates may apply. Please check with your fund and quote the item numbers on this page.
Terms and conditions
- Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
T&C Regarding implant quotes:
- Lowest price offer is for implants and placement only
- Quotes only provided to patients whereby the dentist deems the procedure suitable.
- Does not apply for any Groupon or Scoopon-type specials
- Offer only valid for registered West Australian dental clinics – not overseas or interstate clinics
- Dentistry Plus has the right to refuse any quotes that are not genuine
Payment Plans Available
Flexible payment plans available from Pretty Penny Finance. Find out more>>>
BOOK YOUR CONSULTATION NOW Or call to chat with a professional on 1300 437 587
Dental Implants Prevent Detrimental Bone Shrinkage
The longer you wear a conventional lower denture, the more your bone will shrink, making it more uncomfortable to wear dentures – as well as causing facial collapse.

Enjoy Greater Nutrition
Increase your nutritional intake and eat harder textured foods without pain or self-consciousness.
No More Denture Adhesives
Connect & disconnect your dentures whenever you please – and enjoy a greater amount of retention.
Easy to Repair
Unlike Four Under One, repairs are quick and inexpensive.
Easy to Clean
With the denture connect system, you can easily disconnect your denture to clean, and not have food build up underneath the denture, avoiding unpleasant odours.
No More Loose Lower Dentures
Your dentures will no longer shift from left to right when eating, which causes trauma to the bone, slowly wearing it away.
Use Your Existing Denture
Save thousands by using your existing denture when you switch to the Denture Connect Plus system.
Don’t suffer the inconvenience of loose lower dentures
Switch to an implant-supported lower denture for better health – and better quality of life!
Consult FREE if dentures/implants purchased