Dentures Plus Leeming
Dentures Plus is located at 62 Farrington Road, Leeming, WA, servicing those in Leeming, Jandakot, South Lake, North Lake, Murdoch, Bateman, Bull Creek, Willeton and Winthrop, Canning Vale and Rossmoyne.
Dentures Plus branches have been in operation for over 10 years in the Perth Metro area. All our Dentures Plus clinics are fully equipped denture clinics, with qualified dental prosthetists with years of experience working at each location.
An affordable, comprehensive denture service
If you’re looking for a Leeming denture clinic, you can have confidence in knowing that, at Dentures Plus, we don’t just make dentures. We offer a complete, comprehensive denture fitting service to our patients, and consider ourselves to be Perth’s ‘denture experts’.
Plus, we’re a Medibank Private Members provider & HBF Participating Provider which means if you’re covered with either one, you’ll get more money back!
Why dental prosthetists are considered the denture experts

If you’re living in the Leeming or Murdoch area and requiring dentures, it’s advisable that you choose a dental prosthetist to make and fit your dentures. Dentures Plus is owned by dental prosthetist, Lucas Lang, a skilled dental prosthetist with a Masters of Dental Technology in Prosthetics. Mr Lang and his hand-picked teams of denture experts will custom make your dentures in-house, using only the latest materials on the market, then personally fit your dentures themselves. This will ensure a superbly fitted denture that is comfortable to wear. As a patient, if you go directly to a dental prosthetist clinic such as Dentures Plus Leeming, the entire process can be performed for you under the one roof.
Dental payment plans
At Dentistry Plus, we offer competitive prices for our dental implants in our Perth dental clinics (In fact, we’ll beat any WA implant quote). But it’s still hard to pay the fee in one lump sum. That’s why we’ve introduced payment plans to make your important dental implant procedure more budget-friendly.
Denture services at Leeming
Dentures Plus Leeming offers a comprehensive list of denture services:

Looking for a dentist in Leeming? We’ve got one right here!
At Dentures Plus Leeming, we also have a dentist to help with any specific issues such as dental implants, which need to be placed by a dentist only. The beauty of visiting Dentures Plus when dental implants are required is that our in-house dentist can perform this minimally invasive procedure for you in the dentist chair, then liaise with our team of dental experts in our in-house laboratory, saving you time. The great thing about Dentures Plus and Dentistry Plus Leeming is that everything is performed under the one roof, giving you multiple benefits.
Our Leeming dentist is also on hand for any regular dental services, too. So for anyone in Leeming or the surrounding suburbs such as Jandakot, South Lake, North Lake, Murdoch, Bateman, Bull Creek, Williton, Winthrop, Canning Vale and Rossmoyne looking for a family or cosmetic dentist at an affordable price, give us a call! Our dentist offers a variety of services from regular clean and scale treatments, check-ups for kids, extractions, white fillings, tooth bleaching, porcelain veneers and even emergency dentistry.