How is your Oral Health tracking?
This week Dentures Plus is promoting good oral health & hygiene as part of Dental Health Week 2019.
While quality, affordable smile solutions are what we do best, our focus is on encouraging good dental health, so your smile shines brighter for longer.
Facts about dental health in Australia
Did you know?
- 65% of Australians haven’t seen a dentist in the last two years.
- 50% of Australians brush their teeth only once-a-day.
- Nearly 40% never floss or clean between their teeth.
- 73% of young people, aged 14-18, are consuming too much sugar.
Dentures Plus treats oral health seriously. Everyday, we’re working with our patients to boost better health habits in their lives now, so their dental future is all smiles and fewer trips to the dentist.
How to improve your oral healthcare
- Brush twice a day with a toothpaste that contains fluoride.
- Clean between teeth with floss or interdental brush at least once per day.
- Eat a healthy, balanced diet and limit sugar intake.
- Regularly visit your dentist for a check-up and clean.
Don’t make your dental health wait. Book your next check-up with Dentures Plus and get your smile healthy before it’s too late.
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